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Mental Health longevity linked to reading

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Have you ever wondered why reading a book feels so relaxing? There are many answers to this but there is one that may surprise you.

Picking up and indulging in the latest novel can be a treat, having a whole ten minutes for a bit of peace and quiet or a part of your daily routine.

Picking up and reading a book whether it is educational or a fantasy novel, can be like releasing your ties on normal life for a few chapters allowing your brain to relax after a stressful day and to think of nothing but what’s in front of you. Reading a book at your most stressed and vulnerable gives your brain an extra boost by taking you out of the problem pot and into the pages.

Reading is shown to boost your mental health and reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease in later life by exercising your brain and enhancing your memory, by stimulating a higher cognitive function.

A study completed by the Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation found that out of the 294 people that took part, the cognitive decline in later life reduced by 32%. This is an exciting discovery, to which we can do every day without pressure or much effort, keeping our mental health – healthy!

So if you feel like you need something to do, or want to pick up a new hobby why not grab a book and settle down for a good read? Pick a book from the shelf or one from a wide range on our website and give your brain some well needed and deserved relaxation.
